Key Benefits

Why LocalPay is the
Partner for your company

Digital payments are changing how customers pay for their goods, however, with high fees charged by card networks, it makes it impossible for small businesses to accept payments for small purchases.

Join us Today!

1% Processing Fee

We only charge 1% processing fee for all LocalPay payments.


Free Loyalty program

The ultimate loyalty program, every time a customer uses LocalPays they have a chance to win a prize. With 3 tiers the more they use the higher the rewards.


Pay Later

The rise of BNPL offering 3 interest free payments has overtaken credit card purchases. We offer our loyal customers access to 3 interest free payments for higher value goods and you an affordable way to increase customer spend.

Free SIgn Up

To check all features please login or register with us

Be part of our business platform

Benefit From Our Software

Work smarter with
powerful features

We even offer SoftPOS to our merchants allowing them to accept dynamic QR payments.

  • Immediate settlement

    No more waiting 3 to 5 days to receive your money. We pay into your merchant account immediately.

  • Location Based Promotions

    If you have offers you would like to send to our customers, you can push messages when they are within your vicinity.

Most probably you are getting the best App ever

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